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Breast Lift

What is a Breast Lift?

A breast lift is done to lift sagging, drooping breasts to a more youthful position. Commonly, this procedure is combined with a breast augmentation to help lift the breasts and add volume to the breasts for a more feminine body silhouette.

Who is a Good Candidate?

Women who choose to undergo a breast lift have often experienced pregnancy, nursing, weight fluctuations, or aging. If you are unhappy with your sagging breasts this procedure may be able to benefit you. A consultation with Dr. Ehrmantraut can help to best determine if you are a good candidate.

The Procedure

The breast lift procedure is done under either general anesthesia or intravenous sedation. There is a selection of incision patterns that can be used for a breast lift. These include:

The Key-hole Incision: This incision is made around the areola, vertically down to the breast crease, and horizontally across the breast crease. This technique is used for women with severe breast sagging.

The Lollipop Incision: This incision is made around the areola, and vertically down to the breast crease. Women with a moderate degree of breast sagging can benefit from this incision pattern.

The Donut Incision: This incision is created around the perimeter or the areola. Women with mild to moderate breast sagging can benefit from this lift.

The type of incision pattern used during your breast lift procedure will depend on the amount of breast sagging present, your individual aesthetic goals, and the surgeon’s recommendation. After incisions are made, excess skin will be removed, and the breast will be shifted to a higher position. Incisions will then be closed with sutures.


Following breast lift surgery, compression garments will need to be worn to diminish swelling. Any discomfort can be controlled with pain medication. Numbness, bruising, or changes in nipple sensitivity may also occur. Some patients may be able to return to work within a week or so, depending on their job. Physical activity should be avoided for at least two weeks. Following Dr. Ehrmantraut’s specific post-op instructions can help to ensure a safe and quick recovery.

If you are interested in breast lift surgery and are located in the southern Maryland, Annapolis or Arlington, VA areas, contact our office today! We would be happy to schedule your consultation.
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